It is not unusual for people to develop various ache and pains from working on (or playing games on) a computer. These can range from hand and wrist pain to headaches, neck ache and backache. Minor changes to a computer user’s furniture or posture can go a long way toward preventing or alleviating pain.
Often, when someone has been concentrating on their computer work, he or she develops a “forward head” posture. Instead of the face, neck and chest being lined up, the person’s head is leaning in toward the monitor. This can be caused by eye fatigue, neck fatigue, or a monitor that is not lined up properly to fit the user. For most people, the best position to place a monitor is so that the user is looking down slightly at it, rather than looking up or having to look way down to see what is on the screen. If eye fatigue or squinting is frequent, a visit to the eye doctor is in order. It’s important to try and maintain an upright posture and take frequent stretch breaks before pain sets in. If not corrected, the forward head posture can lead to severe neck and shoulder pain or headaches.
Another cause of computer-user pain is unsupported wrists. When using a keyboard or mouse with nothing to rest the wrist on, the neck and shoulder muscles are being used to hold the arms steady. Eventually, this can lead to significant neck and shoulder pain. The solution for that is to have a few inches of table top (or keyboard shelf) between you and the keyboard, so that the wrists have something to lean on. Also, the keyboard shelf or table should not be too high, leading to excessive bending of the elbows.
Prolonged computer use requires a properly fitting chair to help prevent low back pain. A good fitting chair will support the lower back and not require the user to slouch or reach in order to get their feet on the floor (or stool). Since prolonged sitting can cause back pain, even in the best chair, getting up frequently to stretch or just relieve pressure can be very beneficial. If these minor aches and pains are ignored, they can become chronic problems which require medical attention.